But then your own Immune System mistakenly identifies these micro-critters as “hostile aliens”. It goes on red alert, to defend you. It launches a counter attack – releasing chemicals, such as Histamine, into your blood stream. This attack is so violent – it triggers inflammation and swellings in the delicate sensitive tissues in your nose, eyes and throat!
So now you have Hay Fever with all its awful symptoms! And yet, you’re not really ill at all! Your Immune System actually thinks it’s doing you a favour – by defending you. But you just feel dreadful ... and it's the same story every Summer ...
So how does Hypnotherapy help? When used with skill, we can literally talk to your Immune System. It resides deep in your subconscious mind. Then we simply and gently “re-educate” it. We persuade it to cool down – and stop over-reacting to these harmless airborne substances.
Something similar happens with Celiac Disease. Thanks to Genetics, your system is just Gluten intolerant. So when you eat some bread - your Immune System goes on red alert - and mistakenly starts attacking your small intestine!
Using Hypnotherapy, we can access your immune system - and gently redirect it - so that it stops attacking your intestine - and continues doing what it was always meant to do ... protecting you from infections and cancer. That way, you can actually lose your gluten sensitivity - and enjoy a normal diet at last!
And sometimes it goes berserk!
The very first serious Autoimmune Disease I encountered as a therapist, was called Lupus Erythematosus. It was many years ago, with a young lady in London. And I was in the early years of my Hypnotherapy practice. I had never heard of this condition before. In fact it took me quite a while to actually pronounce and spell it properly! But a very nasty disease indeed. This lady had been suffering with it for years. Her Rheumatologist was really unable to help her.
So, in desperation, she came to me. She told me, that if Hypnotherapy worked for her – she would tell all her fellow-patients from her hospital Lupus ward …. And there would be a queue outside my door! I thought “M-m-m.... I won’t hold my breath”.
Anyway it worked! She got completely better. So she went back and told her Rheumatologist. She thought he’d be interested, as he actually specialised in Lupus. So I asked her how he responded? His response was – “Good for you, then”. This was my very first experience of the indifference of some highly paid medical specialists to the success of any kind of “alternative” medicine!
Autoimmune Disease
Since then of course, I have been privileged to help clients with many different forms of Autoimmune Disease. Fairly common ones are Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. You also have Ulcerative Colitis as well as Crohn's Disease. But there are really so many! They mainly have long exotic names – but they are all horrible! For a fairly complete list, just click here. The Immune System can attack any part of the anatomy, it seems.
However, there is a common thread with all of them. I have to say, that every Autoimmune Disease client I have been privileged to help, has also experienced an extreme form of Stress in their life. For example, my Lupus lady in London, had a horrific childhood – sexually abused by her brothers, and subsequently brutalised in an orphanage.