You’ve already endured that nasty infection. Was it Pneumonia or Influenza or Covid-19 or what ….? Anyway you don’t actually have it anymore. It’s supposed to clear up in a couple of weeks. And yet (all this time later), here you are ... still suffering from the debilitating symptoms of Post Viral Syndrome!
Your doctor is probably baffled by your condition? The symptoms vary so widely, from person to person – but always extremely unpleasant.
Here’s what probably happened …. During your original infection, your Immune System went on red alert – doing its best to attack that virus. And now that virus is actually gone.
But your Immune System has been so flared up by it – that it is still “on "red alert". Your Immune System is still in "attack" mode. But now it’s mistakenly attacking you instead! In other words ... it's behaving like an "Autoimmune Disease".
My name is Larry McMahon. I'm a hypnotherapist. For many years, I have been helping people to heal from various Autoimmune Diseases, through Hypnotherapy. My approach with Post Viral Syndrome is similar. And what I find is, that my autoimmune disease therapy works just as well with Post Viral Syndrome!
So how does Hypnotherapy help? When used with skill, we can literally “talk” to your Immune System. Its controls reside deep in your subconscious mind. Through hypnotic suggestion – your Immune System can be gently coaxed …. so it clears up any possible residual infection … and then, just stops attacking you! To learn a bit more about your Immune System, read a recently published article of mine. Just click onto Your Immune System and You.
This treatment is very relaxing - as it's based on Hypnosis. But it is also a methodology for triggering profound and permanent personal change – both physical and mental. This method is relaxing, yet highly effective. And takes just one session to trigger the healing changes that you need.
# So what's the next step?
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