What sort of issues can be addressd ?
You tell me ! You see - it depends entirely on you. The session is designed to respond to your own challenges - your own problems. So in that sense, anything goes !
You are unique - and so are your issues and goals. The session is tailor-made for you. But to give you some examples of how different consultations can develop - see below.......
Self-Confidence - The vital ingredient for any successful career is confidence. During your session with me, you can boost this aspect of your personality. Read a recent article of mine on this topic - by
clicking here - and another one, by
clicking hereGoal-Setting & Career-Planning - I can help you to decide on the right goals for
you - then enable you to energise yourself to achieve them !
Click here to read a recent article of mine.
Stress - Today's business realities can take their toll - in terms of personal "wear & tear". If you have a stress problem - I will help you solve it
fast ! Read a recent article of mine on this topic - by
clicking here.
Presentations - You need to come across really well, at those important business meetings. Unfair as it may seem - people make up their minds about you, based on how you present yourself and your ideas ! This is an area I can help you with - especially if you suffer from "
Performance Nerves".
Click here for a relevant article.
Job Interviews - If you need coaching for that vital interview.....for that job you really want...I can also help. See a relevant article, by
clicking here.
Golf - Believe it or not, for a number of my clients, this has been the central issue ! And that's fine by me. My techniques can help you get your golf handicap right down...if that's what you really want !
Click here to read more.
Peak Performance - In this kind of session, you can literally programme yourself - to perform and achieve, at your brilliant creative best ! Read a recent article of mine on this topic - by
clicking here.
Motivation - Have you run out of steam ? Has your battery run down ? This could be the ideal opportunity for you to re-energise yourself !
Click here to read more.
Creativity - If your success depends on your own creativity - this is your chance to give yourself a "booster-shot" in this area ! For a recent article -
Click here.
Strategic Crossroads - Maybe you've come to a "crossroads" in terms of your business or your career ? I can help you make the
right decisions, at this crucial stage. Read a recent article of mine on this topic - by
clicking here...and another one, by
clicking here.
The idea is that
your consultation is geared to
your particular needs...whatever they may be.
So, how does it work ? When we meet, we spend the first hour or so exploring your requirements. What kind of problems, issues & challenges are you facing ? The idea is that we put together a strategy that suits
you !
Then I describe to you how you can actually "programme" yourself to get the results you want.......by using
Hypno-Coaching. This is in fact my "
secret ingredient"! This is how my clients achieve such dramatic, fast & permanent outcomes. It is quite simply a fast and highly effective method for accessing & turning on your own internal resources - to get the results
you want.
Would you like to get some idea of the background thinking which I bring to my work ? Just click onto my
"Recently Published Articles" page. There you will find a selection of published articles on various management & personal development topics.
But how can a potential client know if this type of coaching is any good ?
You don't. Unless of course you are one of the many business people who come to me on personal recommendation. In that case you at least have the evidence of the person who suggested you get in touch with me. But if you don't already personally know anyone who has benefited from a session with me, then all I can suggest is that you take a look at the
What Clients say page in this website.
My background.
I bring to our meeting over 30 years' experience of coaching and training business leaders and managers - at all levels. My work has also taken me to many different parts of the world. But to give you a better idea of "where I'm coming from", just click onto
My Background to get the full picture.