Performance Coaching ... for public speakers, golfers, singers, musicians, athletes ... in fact anyone who performs competitively in public.
If you are a competitive performer of any kind - then every time you go out there you put yourself on the line. The difference between winning and losing can be very small. And yet if you do win – you’re a star. If you don’t - you’re an “also ran”. Competition can be very rewarding for the top performer. It can be very cruel for people who don’t quite make it into the big league
You’ve done the preparation & training. You’ve put in the hours. But how good will you be on the day ? ....or the night ? The stress can be nerve-shattering. Not only do you need to be in peak physical condition – you also need the right mental attitude ! Self-confidence ( knowing you’re going to win ) is vital for success in both Sport and the Performing Arts. Just one session with me, may be all you need ….to transform your performance……and start to catapult yourself into the major league.
Hypno-Coaching™ goes beyond "Sports Psychology". It's about triggering real & permanent change in you. It's about enabling you to perform consistently at your brilliant best !
How can Hypno-Coaching™ help ?
When you come to see me – we spend time exploring & developing your own unique requirements. Then the Hypno-Coaching session is tailor-made to meet your needs. The sorts of issues that we can deal with successfully, could be any of the following....
You can learn to boost your own self-esteem. In this way, you literally know you’re good…and you expect to excel and win, every time ! Read a recent article of mine on this topic - by clicking here.
Have you a “Blockage” ?
This can happen to the best of us. Even people at the very top of your profession or sport can sometimes lose the “magic”. I can use Hypno-Coaching to persuade the “Blockage” to switch off. It’s a bit like carrying out a complex negotiation process with your Unconscious Mind. Learn how this can affect Golfers by clicking here.
The “Differences that make the Difference”
You know the way sometimes you perform at your brilliant best ? But then other times your performance is just adequate…or even poor. You can find out which are the precise differences in you – that make the difference between failure and success. Then you “programme in” these patterns of excellence for the future.
The Fear of Failure
This can be a crippling handicap. Learn to replace Stage Fright with a happy expectation of success ! Click here for a recent article of mine on this subject.
Peak Performance !
You’ve already played or performed “in the zone” at least once – if not many times. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could play this way every time ? Even though peak performance is a very mysterious phenomenon – you can access it through Hypno-Coaching. You can also programme yourself to experience it more frequently, and intensely from then on ! Read a recent article of mine on this topic - by clicking here.
Psycho-Somatic Ailments
The singer can lose his voice. The runner develops leg cramps. The public speaker's voice dries up. The pianist's fingers seize up. These are all examples of conditions which can be healed.
Create your own Success !
I also use my own particular Visualisation method. Using this – you create an unconscious compulsion within yourself… achieve & enjoy your own outstanding success ! Read a recent article of mine on this topic - by clicking here.
When we meet, we spend the first hour or so exploring your requirements. What kind of problems, issues & challenges are you facing ? The idea is that we put together a strategy that suits you !
Then I describe to you how you can actually "programme" yourself to get the results you using Hypno-Coaching™. This is in fact my "secret ingredient"! This is how my clients achieve such dramatic, fast & permanent outcomes. It is quite simply a fast and highly effective method for accessing & turning on your own internal resources - to get the results you want. The complete coaching session takes up to 6 hours altogether.
Would you like to get some idea of the background thinking which I bring to my work ? Just click onto my "Recently Published Articles" page. There you will find a selection of published articles on various management & personal development topics.
The learning itself takes place for you in a very relaxed trance state. During the process ( guided by myself ) you install the new internal programmes you decide on. In this way, you can trigger your own profound and positive internal changes. You will find Hypno-Coaching to be a highly effective, relaxing and fast way to learn. It's also very, very different !
What will the trance itself be like ?
It's different for everyone. But for most people, it's a very relaxing and pleasant experience. So whether you come to me for Public Speaking, Golf, the Performing Arts or Sport, you should at least enjoy the session !
So will anyone be chasing chickens, or barking like a dog...?
Not a chance! I'm afraid that Stage Hypnotists have given Hypnosis a bad press over the years. In my opinion, they are abusing a wonderful process. In fact this is one reason why I go into such detail with you at our fully explain the real beneficial nature of Hypnosis.
But how can a potential client know if this type of coaching is really any good ?
You don't. Unless of course you are one of the many business people, musicians or sportspeople who come to me on personal recommendation. In that case you at least have the evidence of the person who suggested you get in touch with me. But if you don't already personally know anyone who has benefited from a session with me, then all I can suggest is that you take a look at the " What Clients say" page in this website.
Are you a team manager or coach ?
I can run an intensive 3-day workshop for your entire team. This can be at a venue of your choice, anywhere. So if you'd like to energise your team to perform at their brilliant best - Click here !
My Background.
I bring to our meeting over 30 years' experience of coaching and training business leaders and managers - at all levels. My work has also taken me to many different parts of the world. In the unforgiving world of Business - if you don't perform, you don't survive ! My methodology has been so successful with business leaders, I have now adapted it for performers in any field ! But to give you a better idea of "where I'm coming from", just click onto "My Background" to get the full picture.
Where are these sessions held ?
I usually meet people in my home in County Kerry, Ireland.
People who come to see me in Kerry from other parts of Ireland, or from overseas, quite often combine the trip with a short holiday in Kerry. As any Kerryman will tell you, Kerry is the most beautiful part of Ireland!
If you come to see me, the session starts in the afternoon at 14.00. The reason is that I am at my best in the afternoon. And I do not see more than one client in any one day. It is too draining. And I want to devote all my attention and energy on that day, to the client who comes to see me.
But Kerry is so far away !
That's true - if you don't happen to live in my part of the world! But consider this;- My clients come from all over Ireland...and from Britain...and even from mainland Europe & the U.S. And for most of them, the trip was an opportunity they happily seized...and indeed, well worth the time & money involved - because of the benefits (both professional & personal) achieved.
I guess it really depends on how serious the issue is for you. To what extent, are you prepared to invest both time & money in your own most important asset...yourself ? If it is important - you owe it to yourself, to come and see me soon. And of course, if it's not that important - you should save yourself the time & expense.
So....the decision is yours !
How much does it cost ?
I will tell you when you get in touch with me. But don't worry ! My fees are reasonable - and compare well with the fees charged by Singing Coaches, Doctors, Sports Coaches, Dentists.
# And a gift to take away !
As part of the session, you get a special 1-hour hypnosis CD to take away with you. I call it my " Booster-CD". It is specially designed for people who have already been hypnotised by me. It’s a lifetime gift. You can use it again & again…for all sorts of healing & self-improvement purposes
# So what's the next step ?
That's easy. Just contact me in either of the two ways below ...
Telephone. Best times to get me, are between 10.00 and 12.00 most mornings. Call me on 00353 (0)66 947 9236.
E-Mail. The most reliable way to get hold of me, is by email. I check (and answer) my email, at least twice every day. So just fill in the short inquiry form below. Then click on the "Send" button. I will email you back within 24 hours - with all the relevant details.
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